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MISHAAL2 Project is for sale and ready to be transferred over to a 

reliable company with all its design files and legal patent documents.
IKHLASS System/Cooler Solution is ready to transfer MISHAAL project to an interested company for certain amount
of money. please e-mail us or call us if you’re interested in adopting the best portable incense burner in the world.

“MISHAAL 2” a new enhanced version is completed. 

We have read and listened to the customers comments who used our first generations of MISHAAL the “Bakhour Burner”, and we are eager to serve customers need to the level they are expecting, that’s why IKHLASS System LLC/COOLER SOLUTIONS gathered those comments and invested world class engineering technology to introduce to you the second generation of MISHAAL, with superior advancement of functionality in “MISHAAL 2”. We are proud to introduce higher temperature, up to one hour and a half of use time before a recharging required and lighter weight. Please drop us any comments you may have.

Proudly presenting our four unique products

   Wateride bottom-feed pump system
Prevent unnecessary back injury or trauma
from the awkward lifting of heavy water bottles.
A Help to keep your company in adherence to

   OSHA recommendations to prevent back injury.

Click on the picture to be routed to the webpage.

       Mishaal, the Best Incense Burner in the world
A unique design which gives you the convenient of
Burning incense (Bakhour) without the need of the
 messy charcoals, it’s a rechargeable battery operated,
      with a controlled heat and a timer, plus a fan feature.

Click on the picture to be routed to the webpage.
Wateride Cart System
Why lug those heavy bottles around,
when you have the patented waterride
cart. It is easy to use and works next to
the water dispenser.
Click on the picture to be routed to the webpage.
Screwdriver with Multiple Retained Tips
Has an added retaining channel all the way
along the side of the screwdriver from the
handle to the tip. Each bit has a retainer ball
on its rear, just slide and use.

Click on the picture to be routed to the webpage.



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